To celebrate three years of Concentric Strategy, we’re offering three of our signature Workday Pause sessions this March. 🎉
It's no secret that the nonprofit sector (and capitalism in general) perpetuates a culture of overwork. While we work to address the structural causes, we also want to give individuals a chance to take a deep, renewing breath.
In these workshops, we combine breathwork, guided meditation, and simple drawing exercises to connect your mind and body. It’s a chance to pause from the daily grind and relax, reflect, refresh.
Join us for one or all three!
WHEN: Weekly on Wednesdays from 12:00-12:30pm EST. Be prompt; we will start and end on time.
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Fresh Starts & Healthy Growth
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Fluidity in the Midst of Constant Change
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Small-Scale Changes to Disrupt Big Patterns
WHERE: Zoom link will be sent to registrants.
WHO: For nonprofit professionals, creatives, and any adults in need of a (brief) break.
WHAT: In each 30-minute session, we use guided meditation and simple drawing exercises to enhance your personal and professional well-being.
No prior meditation or art-making experience is necessary. The session is designed for individual reflection. You are invited to be as present in the moment as possible, understanding that cats, kids, and/or general exhaustion might make that complicated.
You will need computer access (Zoom), 3-5 sheets of blank paper, and a writing utensil. If possible, I encourage nice, heavy-weight paper and a set of quality pens or markers, to help you feel engaged in a special moment. But don’t overthink it: scrap paper and a chewed-up pencil work too. The focus will be on the process of drawing, not on a finished product.
FACILITATOR: Melinda Steffy, visual artist & founder of Concentric Strategy
HOW TO JOIN: Sessions are pay-what-you-wish. We recommend a sliding fee of $5-$25 per session, but free is 100% fine. Space is limited; please register in advance.
"Powerful ... incredibly cathartic ... The no-judgement doodles led to a deep understanding of how I negotiate stress in my everyday life."